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TYPO3 Frontend & Backend development

Some experiences and workflows in conception,
development and integration with a focus on TYPO3. 

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TYPO3 backend development 

Experiences & Services

  • TYPO3 updates/ upgrades
  • Managing versions (TYPO3 8-12)
  • Composer & shell based, SSH, SFTP, FTP
  • Fluid Template development
  • TypoScript
  • Extension development in Extbase/ Fluid
  • Extension upgrades & modifications
  • Code optimization, template outsourcing
  • Content integration & migration
  • SEO optimization

Prev Frontend development

Desc Mysql
Description JQuery

Frontend development

Experiences & services

  • Template prototyping in Fluid, XML, HTML5, Smarty, Mustache, Bootstrap 5 & CSS3 / SCSS.
  • Javascript development in Vanilla JS, ECM6, Jquery, NodeJs, Express
  • UX / UI design & JS effects
  • 3thd party libraries ( e.g. Bootstrap, Foundation, Anime.js, AOS, Masonry, Scrollreveal, Isotope.js … … )
  • SVG creation & manipulation
  • Responsive layouts for all devices

Prev Tools & environments

Tools & environments for
developing and PM

Experiences & services

  • Linux Bash / Shell
  • Debian, FreeBSD
  • Apache, NGINX, MySql, PHP
  • NodeJS, Express
  • Eclipse IDE, PhpStorm, Netbeans
  • GIt
  • Docker
  • Deployment, npm
  • Confluence, Jira, Feng-Office

Prev Screen & interface design

Screen / Interfacedesign

Layout development from scratch or regarding the specification book

  • Photoshop, Illustrator & Indesign
  • Animation concepts 
  • UI design concepts
  • Inkscape
  • SVG Animations
  • Cinema 4D & 3DS Max object animations
  • Video editing and keyframing ( Kdenlive )

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